I love this day! One of the most important man to ever come in to my life gets celebrated today. The day I was born my mom chose to leave my real father. A little over a year later she married my dad, Jesse Underwood. He raised me as his own. I was his daughter and he loved me so much. I was a Daddy's Girl. I always wanted to make him proud. He taught me to treat people with respect and to have values. He taught me how to be a good friend and to not mistake enemies for friends.

He told me to always speak my mind and never back down. He always helped me with my sports. He was always practicing with me and pushed me to do my best. He was at every single game I had. He was even supportive of my friends. He would always push them to their best too. All of my friends knew that they could count on my dad.

I was lucky to get to grow up with such and amazing man raising me. Now I am lucky enough that my kids get him as Paw Paw. He is the Paw Paw in the world. He loves my kids so much and loves spoiling them. He's their Santa Clause, literally. I love you dad! Happy Father's Day!

I also get to celebrate another important man that came in to my life. 8 years ago I was in a really bad place in my life raising a 3/4 year old son and filing for divorce. This man stepped in to our lives and never looked back. He took my son under his wing as his own. He has taught him how a man is suppose to be. I love that Sammy has such a great man as an example. He has always been there for us.

We had a beautiful daughter together. Bailey is a Daddy's Girl and I love seeing her melt her Daddy's heart. I have loved seeing him be a dad to my children. The excitement my kids get when they are around him. He goes to school events, their sporting event, and everything in between. I love him so much! He is an amazing Daddy! Happy Father's Zeke Harber! I love you!

I have been lucky enough in my life to have 2 men that stepped up as Dads to children that were not there blood, but they did become part of their heart. That's what a step dad is, they are dad's that stepped up. Happy Father's Day to all the dad's that stepped up when others wouldn't. Happy Father's Day to the Dads that didn't need someone to step up because you were already there. You are all truly amazing! Thank you!